Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Age of the PC Election

So I find myself at the office today, as I do on most other days around that time, and the discussion turns to politics. Now, I don't really even remember the topics that were brought up, but I couldn't help but be totally uninspired by the entire "conversation". I put "conversation" in quotes because it was much less like two people openly discussing their thoughts and ideas, and much more like a contest to see who knew how to be more "sensitive" and "tolerant" and "stupidly mindless". As I listened to my brothers-in-labor talk, I realized that they were engaged in an argument where, with the exception of a tweak here and a twist there, they both had exactly the same opinions. It was as if they wanted to debate each other so badly, but found that they both had the same talking points, much like the Democratic Presidential Debates of 2 years ago. It was at that moment when a horrifying thought flashed like a lightning bolt into my mind: "The Liberals have Won".

You see, those are exactly the arguments liberals love to have; the kind where there is only one opinion. Turn NPR on at any given time and you will see exactly what I'm talking about. An NPR "debate" is routinely made up of one smug host and three guests, each trying to prove to the American people that he is indeed smarter than the other two. They each bring up obscure facts, and make even more obscure references, but when you peel away the layers and get down to what they are actually saying, it's hard to find a difference. Liberals do this because they realize that if there is only one opinion in an argument, then it becomes very hard to lose.

This entire incident sent my mind reeling. "Why is there such an absence of diversity in our nation's political thought?" I asked myself, to the point that two working men can no longer argue about politics. America was built on political arguments. I mean, liberals are spouting off about diversity every 35 to 45 seconds (that is only a rough estimate). Surely the diversity they hold so dear also applies to intellectual diversity, doesn't it?

And it was at this point that I had an epiphany. The beam of light pierced the dark cloud, the rain cleared, the angelic choir sounded. I had seen the top of the mountain, and it was good. I realized that intellectual diversity is exactly the opposite of what liberals want. Liberals want to shed the world of Thomas Jefferson in exchange for the world of Winston Smith. They have even implemented a plan that, proceeding unchecked, will turn their sadistic dreams into a reality. They call that plan Political Correctness.

Yes, liberals have almost succeeded in turning this country from the "Land of the Free" to the the "Land of the Free to Think Exactly What the New York Times Tells You To". Think about it. If you aren't "Pro-Choice", then you are "Anti-Woman". If you aren't for Affirmative Action, then you are racist. If you don't think that homosexuals should be Ministers, then you are anti-gay. On any given issue, the PC Police make only the liberal point of view acceptable. Anything else and you earn yourself a nasty epithet.

At this point you are probably saying, "Carl, who cares? I mean, sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Right?" Not entirely. You see, the beauty of the PC plot is how it allows liberals to duck and weave out of any kind of meaningful discussion, and get right down to what they are really good at; Name Calling. Take for example the following excerpt from an imaginary argument that I just made up:

Liberal - "Gays have as much right to marry as heterosexuals!" (Load roar from the audience, the New York Times automatically labels the liberal as 'brave')

Conservative - "I don't agree. Marriage is a sacred institution and has be-"

Liberal - "You are obviously anti-gay, and it is no use arguing with you..."

Bang. Argument, and any intelligent discussion, is squelched before it even starts. By giving you a label, a liberal can automatically fit you with a one-size-fits-all set of beliefs, and steer away from the issue at hand.

Now I realize that most people probably stopped reading paragraphs ago, and there is the possibility that I did not present my argument quite as well as I would have liked, but I hope you get my drift. By allowing only one set of opinions, liberals have severely limited the political dialogue in this country, and succeeded in making conservative beliefs seem somehow out-of-line.

But that's just my opinion. What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think political-correctedness is the enemy of progress. The most glaring evidence I see of this is not yet okay to talk about. There is veil there, a get out jail free card, and the incentive of appearing refined to ignore this issue. So I’ll ask it anyways. I have nothing to prove and perhaps I may myself learn a bit more about this by saying what I would guess a few are thinking.

When is it ever going to be okay to be white and look at the Black community and publicly identify a pattern without it being called racism? When I was young I began from a Love Everyone, Save the Whales, Recycle, Plant a Tree, and Volunteer, type of perspective. I saw value in giving everyone far more credit, and patience than they deserved because I saw the world as a big warm happy place destined to be good. The U.S.A. was a place where every kid can have Happy Meal if they want one, but really we all want carrots and broccoli anyways type of place. I will add for perspective I do live in “Yankee” state.

This “help everyone” mentality brought me into my first career as a Social Service Worker. I worked only for 2 years in Social Work before I was done. The scales had fallen off my eyes; I met many people, Black, White, American Indian, Hispanic, and Asian. None were quite as sloth-like and argumentative as the Black people. When I found a job outside of the Social Service system it was because I honestly didn’t care anymore. It seemed evident to me that most of the people I worked with did not want help but free money. They had been born and raised in the system and knew it like an old nursery rhyme. I need to add that I did also work with a few Black co workers who would put many a “White person” to shame but here I am concerned with the majority.

Why is it not okay to call this group of people out on their behavior? Why is slavery the wild card that still enslaves them now to ignorance? Would it not it be for their own good for us to acknowledge this as a society? Why have lying, cheating, drugs, violence and single motherhood become the inheritance of the Black culture? Why doesn’t Oprah address it? Why is it an unspoken dirty secret?

While getting my second degree as Dental Hygienist I am working at a large Seafood chain to pay the bills. Again I have come into contact with the same dynamics. At tables the majority of black people are rude. (And I do have to add the black people we see are poor inner city Black people, but also add that poor or inner city Whites, Hispanics, Asians are not like this as a group.) They demand you around, lie up a storm about coupons, what they got for ‘this price last time they were here”, the food is disgusting but they eat the whole thing, they are first to complain about service, the most likely to exaggerate, and single handedly win the competition of for group of people that walk out of the restaurant without paying and and/or complaining to get complimentary meals, most likely to come in smelling of marijuana and, also accumulate some of the highest bills around (which is it clear they can’t afford, nor could many a suburban person) each ordering appetizers, specialty drinks, steaks and lobsters, desserts, a leave an average tip somewhere between 5-10% consistently. It isn’t uncommon to get a 5 dollar bill on a check of over 100 dollars after being rudely ordered around for an hour and a half. It is also not surprising to find they have left you no tip at all. Like anything you get used to it, block it out, ignore it, and smile anyways because that is your job. Their kids run all around the restaurant, yell, scream, and they are the mostly likely to order food for themselves and not kids, as the kids sit and salivate and fuss (not surprisingly), and most likely to cause a scene while waiting for a table.

In my public college classes for Dental Hygiene, they are the loudest, walking in and out of class with no regard for the teacher or class to get a bag of chips from the vending machine and a pop, and open it loudly with no trace of embarrassment. Talk openly about how they are going to spend the money the get for school by getting cell phones, weaves, and “Timbs for they’s baby”? Why is this? It is because they really run our Social Service system, they tell us jump and we say how high? Is it that being black means free money? Being born with a generous dose of melanin is the golden ticket and there is no reason to try or learn from hard work and discipline?

Right now a few of you are saying but that is the hard way, being born into poverty, and yes I will give you being born poor has many disadvantages, but being born poor does not mean there are no opportunities especially in our current system.. Poor has nothing to with being polite, manners cost nothing. Look around the majority of the people aren’t making that much noise, and causing that much disruption? What does it cost to turn your head around and see that? What does it really cost to turn your head away and not see that as a society? Why are not prominent, educated, successful Black people (with a leg to stand on) not calling their “brothers and sisters” out on this? Why do they just slip into suburbia and disassociate with their “less fortunates” once they have made it?

I think this is an epidemic. Why are the majority of violent crimes committed my black males, and the majority of jail cells filled with Black males? One could argue that they can’t afford good representation but no other race is in question half as much, and yet they are still a minority in this country. What generation is going to stand up and expect something from this group of people? We see minority Mexican immigrants work like hell to make ends meet, Asian immigrants the same. Both could be just as tightly clinging to the golden leg of discrimination. Why are we not expecting this out of our Black community? I think Martin Luther King, Jr. would roll over in his grave to know what hasn’t evolved now with every opportunity available, and Rosa Parks might just stand up.

Please enlighten me if it is only me that is seeing it like this. I would rather be wrong. I am sad that the Black community that I read about in textbooks, the honor and character of the Harriet Tubman’s that inspired me as a child to persevere against all odds, I am now seeing only in textbooks. Where has the legacy gone, and when will it be okay to ask?