Thursday, December 29, 2005


Well I just finished reading this week's edition of "Tongued-Tied" on, and as expected, I am once again tempted to run outside and throw myself in the path of an on-coming car. Have we come to this??? I mean really, as a society, have we really come to this???

I try to read Tongue-Tied as much as I can (and I would recommend that you do the same, especially if you have doubts as to how crazy and far-reaching the PC movement has grown), which usually ends up being about once a month. Each time I read, I go through the same emotional process. I have noticed that this has become fairly predictable, and is now to the point where I am wondering if I am the only one who experiences these emotions in this way when confronted with some left-wing wacko who screams wildly about his 1st Amendment rights while stomping all over yours. I think this could be the new grief cycle, only I guess we would have to call it the "PC Cycle".

I find this to be a -step process beginning with:

STEP 1: Stunned Disbelief
This is the initial phase of the PC cycle, and begins immediately after reading the first entry. This phase is physically characterized by the dropped jaw and blank stare, and emotionally manifests itself in a feeling similar to one you would get if you just watched your favorite team lose the Super Bowl by a 108-yard kickoff return for a touchdown on the last play of the game. The same questions always run through my head; "Are You Serious???", "That can't be right....can it???", "Nobody could be THAT stupid....could they?".

STEP 2: Denial
Moving to phase 2, this is where I answer my own questions from phase 1 with an emphatic "NO!" I often speak out load to myself, saying things like, "OF COURSE NOBODY COULD BE THAT STUPID! HA HA!", and, "OF COURSE THEY AREN'T SERIOUS!" I generally feel pretty good about myself for around 30 seconds. That's usually the maximum amount of time for which I can convince myself that all of what I have just read is a lie, a goof, a fictional report designed to make us appreciate life without the PC Police. After that 30 seconds, it's on to...

STEP 3: Uncontrolled Rage
Ok...some may think this title is a bit of a misnomer since my "Uncontrolled Rage" is never more than a disgusted grunt and a few mumbles, but I am referring to more of an internal fury. It would be something akin to getting really angry with a 90 year old man; the laws of civility (and the State of Maine) would prevent you from throwing an overhand right, but if someone was in the mood to fry an egg at that time, they could do so nicely on your forehead. I'm talking Yosemite-Sam-steam-out-the-ears mad, like when Bugs dressed up like the Dancing Girl and gave him a big wet kiss. I think we are all on the same page here.

Step 4: Acceptance and Healing
There comes time in the human maturation process where one must learn that "Uncontrolled Rage" gets one nowhere, that is of course unless your name is Bruce Banner. Little joke for the Incredible Hulk fans....OK...Anyway, unchecked anger is only good if you like orange jumpsuits and bars on your windows. Being the well adjusted adult that I am, I reach a point where my anger subsides, my vision clears, and I have to face the bitter truth. Yes, there are people in this country who have nothing better to do than complain about a "Merry Christmas" sign on a McDonald's. Yes, a journalist can be ostracized for suggesting that maybe we should screen Muslim men a little more closely at airports. I could go on all day. This phase is accompanied by feelings of helpless and insignificance. It is with a heavy heart that I click the little "x" in the upper right, only to repeat the whole process again in another month.

Am I the only one here? I don't think I am. But then again, that's just my opinion, what do you think?

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