Friday, May 15, 2009

Two Minutes' Hate

I've been following this ridiculous Nancy Pelosi deal, and I did manage not to vomit when she again blamed the big, bad Bush Administration for her own supposed ignorance. I mean, Democrats have been in control of Congress since 2006. How long are we going to have to hear about George Bush.

Then it hit me. The democrats need George Bush. That's why they are constantly eluding to him in there speeches and making off-handed comments about how terrible the last eight years were. The democrats need George Bush, and more importantly "Bush Derangement System", in order to function.

The problem goes to the root of the Democratic Party. What exactly is it? Right now the Democratic Party is a loosely assembled group of one-issue political movements. You've got the the radical environmentalists, the radical feminists, the radical anti-war people, etc.... Basically if you are a radical, you can find representation in the Democratic Party. Granted, most Democrats are not radicals. However, these normal Democrats are supporting a party being run by far-left radicals who are promoting a far-left agenda. So what does that make those normal people? Uninformed at best, I would say.

Anyway, so you have this heterogeneous mish-mash of interest groups that make up the Democrat Party, and when you are one-issue interest group, it's hard to find common ground with any other groups. This lack of unity in the party was shown in a resurgence of the Green Party and other one-issue left-wing parties in in the early 2000's. So how do you bring disparate groups with diferent interests and goals together? You need a point of unification that overrides all others, and that point was the hatred of George W. Bush. Environmentalists might not care about abortion, and anti-war activists may not care about gay rights, but they ALL could hate George Bush. With the help of the media, the left turned George bush into the antithesis of every far-left interest group, all at the same time. The was everything and he was nothing. He was both a criminal mastermind and bumbling baffoon. He was ligh and dark. He was yin and yang. Maybe that was a little too dramatic....

Moving on, and now the Democrats find themselves in power, riding a wave of hatred right into the White House. Now the liberal chickens are coming home to roost. All these disparate groups who were promised that everything would be puppydogs and ice cream once George Bush was gone and Barack Obama, The Most Merciful, was enthroned on high are looking for results, and right now they are finding few.

So how do you keep all these groups from turning on each other? How do you keep the far-left unified? You don't let the point of unification go. You keep to there. You go back to George Bush, saying, "Well, we may still be at war, but this is George Bush's war." "We may be spending away our grandkid's futures, but George Bush started it, so it's really his policy"

In short, the left needs a Two Minutes' Hate, only instead of Goldstein's face, it will be George Bush's.

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