Friday, November 19, 2004


As I have watched CNN and Fox News over the past few weeks since the election, I have listened to liberal pundits and politicians rant about various aspects our President, George W. Bush. If you have been watching and listening as well, I'm sure you have noticed the one, overriding theme of all speeches and rhetoric; Hatred. Liberals feel a level of hatred toward George W. Bush that I am not familiar with, and I wonder, what is it about this seemingly average Texan that makes liberals froth at the mouth with anger and loathing?

Could it be his religion, from which he extracts his values and moral code? George Bush is a religious man. He has never made any allusions otherwise. That character trait is one that helped him greatly in this last election, much to the dismay of liberals everywhere. I mean let's face the facts; Liberals don't like religion. I realize that I am generalizing, but on a whole, liberals are less religious than conservatives. Liberals consider religion to be for the "weak-minded", and disagree with its "black and white" explanation of right and wrong, especially concerning moral issues. To liberals, morality is relative, and there should be no "right and wrong", or "good and evil".

Or maybe, perhaps President Bush's foriegn policy is what really upsets liberals. After all, W has not knelt down and offered up American security interests as a sacrifice at the alter of the almighty UN. How dare he? Do you believe that he wouldn't allow France and Germany to dictate our foriegn policy? Even now, as the UN is being exposed for monumental corruption and rabid anti-americanism, liberals still refuse to let it take its rightful place on the scrapheap of history

GW also refuses to endlessly negotiate with tyrants and criminals. Liberals would negotiate right to the bitter end, even as terrorists blew up the bargaining table. Look at Clinton and North Korea. Clinton paid the North Koreans billions of dollars to not make nuclear weapons, and if that wasn't bad enough, he gave them nuclear fuel for their reactors so they could produce "energy". We all know what happened there. In the end, not only did we give them the equipment to make nuclear weapons, we also funded the program. If this isn't bad enough, those same people who got cobbed by the North Koreans were the first ones to advocate giving Saddam "more time". No, 11 years of breaking UN resolutions wasn't enough. And liberals call conservatives stupid.

Yes, George W. "speaks softly, and carries a big stick." Liberals love to brand GW a "cowboy", and he is a cowboy in every sense of the word. He is John Wayne in the body of a politican, from the swagger in his step to the determination in his eyes. In fact, I find that to be one of the most appealing things about George W. Bush. He doesn't pull any punches, he does what he says he's going to do, and he leads America with confidence in the face of danger. Come to think of it, if that's a cowboy, why would we want anything else?

But that's just my opinion. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I think you are brilliant.

Howard said...

Im A liberal and I'm Not a frothing at the mouth idiot..I think that the war going between liberals and conservatives is a pitiful show of what this nation stands for and If I had my way there would be a house cleaning every 6 Yrs..No matter how they served..I Do agree that George Bush is a good man though in spite of his political affiliation..