Thursday, November 11, 2004

And the tears fell down like rain...

As you can tell by the title of this blog, I am very happy with the events of the past weeks. Our President George W. Bush has been re-elected, the Democratic party is coming apart at the seams, and life is generally good.

For me, the best part of this past election has been the Democratic reaction to their royal trouncing at the polls. In case you are unfamiliar, it goes something like this: "The majority of Americans are stupid." I am included in that uneducated majority who just flat out refuse to let Alec Baldwin or Noam Chomsky or Barbara Streisand tell us how to think. When you think about it, we really do have a lot of nerve, not kneeling down and worshipping at the alter of Hollywood, Academia, and the United Nations.

Liberals can not believe how stupid the average American is. As they sit around in their coffee houses listening to obscure jazz and contemplating a world without firearms, the fact that not everybody agrees with them is very troubling, especially since they are educated and have the $120,000 Ivy League diploma to prove it. And their tears fall down like rain....

Now you may ask why this pleases me so much. You may think that I am a very cruel person who loves to witness human suffering. That's not the case. You may think it's because now I am in a position to be smug, and tell all Democrats (and their Major Network News lap-dogs) "I Told You So!!" As tempting as that is, that also is not the case. So why then, am I grinning from ear to ear with a grin that gets bigger each and every time I am referred to as stupid by a liberal?

This "Stupid America" attitude being adopted by liberals pleases me so deeply because I realize that there is another election just down the road. And another after that. And so and so forth. Now you can call me stupid, and the liberals already have, but it seems to me that the best way to win votes WOULD NOT be to call the potential voter "stupid". In one breath Democrats say how they need to perform better with Values Voters in the so-called Red States, and in the next, they call them stupid. Stuff like this makes you think about who, in this situation, is REALLY stupid.

Now I understand that this venomous attitude toward the average American will subside. Soon, liberals will be begging for votes and assuring you and I that they are For The Little Guy, and Religious, and Open-minded, but we won't believe them. We won't believe them because pictures are worth a thousand words, and video clips are even better. There are enough video clips and sound bytes coming out of this post-election tantrum to give Conservatives plenty of ammunition for the years to come.

But that's just my opinion. What do you think?


Unknown said...

Nice to see another conservative on here. Good luck! The vitriol flows like Niagra Falls ; )

Staffordworks said...

Thank you. Seriously, thank you. First let me say that I am truely anti-partisan and have gone both ways as it were. As a teenager I felt that I was a republican because I strongly supported the Grahamn-Rudman-Hollings act. I voted for Clinton once, then against him, never cared about his sexcapades. I have a lot of information about both Bushs and know that their seats in office have harmed me personally and I believe harmed what America used to be. I don't LOVE Kerry, like most Americans, his #1 attribute was 'he is not bush and he could win'. I have accumulated evidence for myself over many, many years that lead me to my convictions about what just happened and why.

So why do I thank you? me, joe blow fiscally conservative, morally liberal, thank you, just plain old, proudly conservative? because you aren't stupid. I can already tell that thinking is not something you consider a snobish northeastern 'liberal' pursuit but rather something everyone should try once in awhile, particularly when voting. I bet you voted for George Bush, knowing in your heart of hearts that you did your best to take in all the facts and pick the best guy for the job.

The bashing you see out there, including from people like me comes from a simple truth, just as myself as an example, you are the first person I have ever, met, read, heard about who supported either Bush who didnt sound like like you had lived on a steady diet of lead paint and glue fumes your whole life. Really, not joking, the justifications I have heard just make me ill.

If everyone who voted for Bush were like you, I would sleep well at night, I would think, man, I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw a barge but either I am wrong, or my fellow thinking americans who voted for him will reign him in when I am proven right, either way, I am in good hands.

But the truth is that if everyone from wackjob activist liberals to thinking people like me who will always vote for the best person for the job, regardless of party, are right, we are all very fucked, because your fellow conservatives will simply plater that big grin on their face and say 'see? now THAT is resolve, he ran us all into a brick wall at mach one and didn't even blink! - yee haaa!'

really hope there are more of you.

Misercola said...

Thank you for your comment. I try above all not to be a mindless, conservative mouthpiece, and I pride myself on being well informed on the issues. I really have to be because I married a Canadian girl who is extraordinarily liberal, and she keeps me honest. In that way I am lucky, always having to defend my positions effectively as well as tactfully, or risk sleeping on the sofa.

To ease your mind a bit, I don't feel that I am the only "thoughtful conservative". In fact I know there are at least two, because I learned everything I know about politics from my father. Beyond that, I really believe that a majority of conservatives are normal, everyday people who think about the issues that effect them. Just as I believe the majority of liberals are normal, everyday people who think about those same issues. The only difference is that liberals are wrong. :-)

I feel as long as we can keep the channels of communication open between conservatives and liberals, this wonderful democracy that we are a part of will function at its highest level of efficiency, and our country will be all the better for it.

Staffordworks said...

Thats funny. My wife voted for Bush the first time, only a few months ago that our civil arguments resulted in her coming over to my side 'this one time'

Any ideas on who will be on the republican ticket in '08? been voting for democrats and independants way too long to hold up my anti-partisan image very well, would like nothing better than to see a strong fiscally conservative, morally liberal - at least when it comes to the constitution - in office, republicans have more money to spend so, they would be more likely to take the chair and steer us back to reason.

Didnt always like him much, but these days, I really miss Ronald Reagan, there was a guy who could get pissed at some wack job in the middle east, fail to get the support or even the fly over rights from the french, yet, knock the socks off an terrorism suporting evil dictator without even breaking the nail of one of his innocent civilians or put a scratch on one of our troops and probably did the whole gig from pissed to 'take that khadafi!' for less than congress spends on lattes in a year. Heard from Khandafi lately? something very quiet a few years ago like 'um, still sorry, um, sirs, terrorists bad, america good, please don't hurt me'

good job Ronnie, way to win one for the gipper :)

GW, dude? c'mon 1,000 troops, 100,000 iraqis, 151billion of my tax dollars. Ronnie could have done it without missing a t-time at pebble beach.


Misercola said...

Well, as far as the ticket in 2008, I have no idea. I think a lot will depend on the next 4 years. 4 years is a lifetime in politics. Plus, I heard that there has been a constitutional amendment proposed in Congress that would allow naturalized citizens to be elected President. Presinator, anyone?

Actually, thinking about it, Arnold would be a great choice for you, being fiscally conservative and socially liberal. That's Arnold in a nutshell. I'm a little nervous about letting naturalized citizens be elected President, but that's a topic for a whole different post...

One last thing I've been thinking. The way you describe yourself, you just might be a libertarian and not even know it. Just something to check out.